Monday, 11 March 2013

Plans delayed

Due to an unanticipated turn of events, the purchase of a new bike has been delayed – Her Majesty’s Government and myself have had a slight disagreement over the amount of tax I should pay this year, and despite some, ahem, creative accountancy, all plans for new purchases are on the backburner.

On the positive side, the Triumph is back home with oil leak cured, and my beard is growing luxuriously voluminous, as you can see from the poor quality snap attached.


  1. El D:

    At least you still have your Triumph. They can't take that away . . . can they ? Hide it somewhere.

    Hope you can go somewhere for a ride soon

    Riding the Wet Coast

    1. Bob, as soon as it stops snowing we'll be out and about. I'm not anticipating problems losing the bike, it's just that the money allocated for the new bike will now go towards......whatever it is the government does with our tax money.

  2. You really are beginning to look like a typical BMW owner now El D!

    1. N, I've got a fluorescent Sam Browne belt on order.

  3. They never seem to get enough in taxes do they?

    At least the oil leak in fixed in the Trumpet. Hope you get out for a ride soon, lift the visor and get that beard blowing in the breeze.

  4. Trobairitz, who knows what they spend the money on? Great expectations for some beard-blowing soon. Regards , El D

  5. El Diente, just catching up to your blog ... Taxes - just legal robbery! I'm with Trobairitz hoping you get out on the Triumph soon.

  6. Vstar lady, thanks for the comment. I'm dying to ride - it's been a long winter this year! El d.
