Thursday, 14 November 2013


It seems to have been raining here for the last four weeks - then yesterday it stopped, the skies opened and the sun came out. Bored of staring moodily out of the office window, I phoned Stefan, my friendly taxi driver, to come and collect me lunchtime and go for a little excursion. We went to Kinderdijk, to look at windmills, had lunch in a little cafe then headed back to work; a welcome respite from working, working, working. Today it started raining again.......

Stefan and Kermit, the six-door lime green taxi

Dordrecht from across the water


  1. WIndmills, signature of Dutch landscape. I like it very much. Don't work too hard. That wouldn't be very Dutch, or would it... ;-)

  2. A lime green 6 door taxi? The mind boggles!

    1. It was used originally as a funeral car, so low mileage. The colour is a plastic wrap. When I get bored I sit right at the back, Stefan puts on his hat and we pretend to be on a stag night out.

  3. EL D:

    You can afford to hire a Taxi for lunchtime excursions ?

    Riding the Wet Coast

    1. I get a special discount rate....but the company pays my Tavel expenses anyway ;)

  4. So glad you had a break in the weather. Nice to have a bit of sun if just to make the next few weeks of rain more tolerable.

    Thanks for sharing.
