There's been a few changes in the El D household recently; one was leaving my hovel and moving in with LF (
of the Jaguar adventure). I've gained considerably, as not only is the apartment nice and bright, there's also a garage at the rear in which to store and work on motorcycles :) - I also have a slightly smarter appearance as freshly ironed shirts appear in my wardrobe, seemingly by magic. I'm not exactly sure what I have to do in return, apart from being my usual happy-go-lucky self.***
On the motorcycle front, Helga has gone. I must admit I was a little uncomfortable, both with referring to an inanimate object by female name, and also 'cos the handlebar position hurt my wrists. I thought about modifications, but decided to move her on to a new home. I've now got a ratty Triumph to commute on, although as usual with all my impulse e-bay purchases this one is slightly lacking, mainly in the braking department, as the suprised schoolboy who stepped onto the pedestrian crossing in Kingston found out; I did wave as I swerved round him with the brake lever fully on and no apparent diminishiment (not sure if thats a word) in speed to try and convey an apology, but his two-fingered salute makes me think he mis-understood.

Anyway, as usual I'd already started buying some completely necessary chrome parts to bling it up, so the budget is a bit lacking; investigation of the internet forums (yeah, should have done that before I bought it) seems to indicate that the standard brakes are crap and I need to shell-out £500 for a Norman Hyde brake conversion. So at the moment I'm still commuting on it, but VERY slowly and with almost painful anticipation of the traffic conditions. It's still fun though.
My old Honda had garbage brakes. I did a dual conversion, but it ran me a lot of change to get it done. I wouldn't go back and undo it, though. I feel so much more comfortable riding now, stopping distance is a wonderful thing.
Behind Bars - Motorocycles and Life
Have you ever considered using a braking parachute?
ReplyDeleteBrady - your comment convinced me; I've ordered the brake upgrade kit. Thanks, El D
ReplyDeleteNikos - wouldn't it be a bit of a pain repacking the 'chute at each traffic light? Actually, your comment has stimulated me to investigate the use of air brakes, made from large pieces tin and activated by pulling a large lever fixed to the left-side frame. Or I could just fit the upgraded brake kit.
ReplyDeleteI love Triumph triples (have one myself), but even more, I am astonished at how the T'Birds hold their prices. You've bought a real future classic imo.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the move and on the Trumpet purchase.
ReplyDeleteI am sure once you get the brake gremlins figured out you'll be race ready.
she irons shirts for you? I didn't even do that for the bloke I married. There's a reason for the invention of the laundrette.
ReplyDeleteAffer and Trobairitz - here's hoping you're right about the Triumph.
ReplyDeleteHWL - I'm a man in my 60's, either my Mum or my partner irons my shirts. Men work, women iron. Simples.