I was sitting in Heathrow airport's Terminal 5 today reading MotorCycleNews, intrigued that somehow the columnist Kevin Ash managed to interpret the Volcanic ash cloud over Europe as a threat to motorcylists by faceless officials, and finished his column with the phrase " make no mistake, in most people's minds, 'motorcycle' equals danger - recklessness - threat - death!" Wow, wonder what drugs he's on?
I've sort of been enjoying the chaos caused by the ash cloud, purely selfish I know but it's given me plenty of time to sit around in airports reading bike magazines in an increasingly-futile search for my perfect bike. To be honest, in a vote between working or sitting in airport coffee bars listening to my ipod and reading magazines, the latter wins every time. And it gives me plenty of time to indulge in my other hobby of daydreaming and remembering happier times sitting drunk in a South American bar watching pretty girls walk by, warm sun on my face and long rambling conversations with mad Erwin the German Hells Angel. Where's that copy of Scientific American with the time-machine plans in it?
Happy dog!
2 weeks ago
El Diente:
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean about turning the clock back, if only . . . we were younger and know what we know now.
there are too many variables as to which machine to purchase (if any), often times the bikes with the best specs are handled by dealers with poor reputation.
Wet Coast Scootin
Bob...the problem is being 6ft 3in tall with arthritic knees and wrists - the bikes I like I can't compress my body on to, and the bikes I can fit on I don't particularly like. But it's all just for fun anyway, so I'll keep on amusing myself 'till the body finally says no.
ReplyDeleteEl D
El D:
ReplyDeleteI am in the same category as yourself. Your profile is a description of myself except that my gap was only 20 years. If only we could turn back the clock . . .
I stopped looking at magazines and drooling over things a while ago. I came to some realizations about the perfect machine but it makes no sense in the hands of a novice, but perhaps to a racer it would make a difference.
Here's hoping you will be able to ride for many years to come. Some days I too feel the onset of old age creeping upon me, thus my desire to go on some trips while I am able.
I also like your daydreaming of pretty girls walking by but it's like having candy on a high shelf, which you cannot reach
Wet Coast Scootin